Texturing & Color


Food production often involves processes designed to improve products’ texture, color, and consistency like sauces, soups, purees, and other prepared foods. Achieving the right texture and color can be complex, especially in large-scale operations, where control over heating and processing directly impacts product quality.

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Direct Steam Injection (DSI) heaters offer a robust solution, providing fast, even heating that helps achieve the ideal texture and color in foods with a consistent quality across batches:

  • Ensures precise, uniform heating, achieving desired textures without burning or overcooking for smoother, more consistent products
  • Preserves vibrant natural colors by quickly reaching target temperatures, preventing dulling in heat-sensitive foods like vegetable purees and juices
  • Minimizes burn-on and fouling with direct steam injection, reducing cleaning needs and maintaining product quality in thick or sugary products
  • Enhances energy efficiency, cutting fuel costs with near 100% thermal efficiency for cost-effective and sustainable heating
  • Delivers batch-to-batch consistency, meeting high-quality standards in texture and color for sauces, baby foods, and soups
  • Provides controlled heating for optimal gelation and starch cooking, ensuring smooth, stable textures and enhanced mouthfeel
  • Increases throughput with on-demand, on-demand heating, preserving texture and color while boosting production efficiency
  • Offers flexible, precise temperature control for quick recipe adjustments, supporting R&D and customization for new product development


The Hydron™ 400 Series is the most precise, accurate, versatile Sanitary Hydroheater. Its modular 3-A-certified design delivers optimal process flexibility and stability in an easy-to-use and maintain design.

  • Volume capability: 1 up to 460 gpm [0.2 up to104.5 m³/hr]


Compact and fully sanitary cooking skid that helps products achieve finished recipe results, pasteurization, or blended emulsification through 3-A, EHEDG, and FDA certifications.

  • Volume capability: 3 up to 255 gpm [0.7 up to 57.9 m3/hr]


The Silverline™ is a polished stainless-steel steel system engineered to replicate specified processing profiles precisely. It is 3-A certified and meets EHEDG, CE, and FDA requirements. Despite its simple appearance, it incorporates thousands of hours of engineering into a single, advanced machine – acclaimed as one of the most advanced food and beverage processing systems globally.

  • Volume capability: 5 up to 200 gpm [1.1 up to 45 m3/hr]

EZ Heater®

The EZ Heater® is the industry leader in all hot water applications with its unique internal modulation and self-cleaning ability. With on-demand hot water where you need it, the EZ Heater is ideal for washing stations, Clean in Place (CIP) systems, and anywhere reliable hot water is needed.

  • Volume capability: 2 up to 1,350 gpm [.5 up to 306 m3/hr]