Hydro-Thermal > Request A Quote Request a Quote Please fill out the form below to have one of our steam experts contact you about your application. Please fill out the form below to have one of our steam experts contact you about your application.Name: Company: Job Title E-mail: Phone Number: State: Country: What best describes your industry? Choose from Drop DownChemicalEthanolFood and BeverageMeatMetalPaperPet FoodPulpStarchWastewater Describe your application and intended outcomes. We understand the importance of your application, and our experienced team is dedicated to optimizing its performance. Please take a moment to answer the following questions, allowing us to deliver the best results. Does your facility have steam or a plan to add steam in the future? Yes No If yes, what is the main line steam pressure? What is the Fluid type going through the heater? What is the incoming fluid temperature? What is the incoming fluid pressure? What is the incoming fluid flow rate? – (gallons/minute) What is the desired outgoing temperature exiting the heater? By checking this box, I agree to receive emails about promotions, new products, or company updates from Hydro-Thermal Corporation and its microsites